First day of College.

Today was such a long day. But a great day. Today was my first day of college! I wish I could have brought you along with me. But I'll just describe it for ya. Waking up at 6 feelings like high school did. Which is lame, but I have English as my first class, so its pretty mellow. All my instructors are female. I am not sure why that's important. Ummmm... Oh and I think I am dropping a class already. I just need to find another course to help me continue on my new major. Yep. My new major is (almost) officially psychology. I am super excited about it. All and all, fair day. The rain made it ever more amazing. I loved it. Oh and God is soooo good. Seriously only because of him am and I peace now.


August 26, 2008 at 2:45 AM Justin Richards said...

where are you going to college?!

August 26, 2008 at 5:55 PM Sara said...

That's really cool! I've been thinking about psychology as a future major/career path. I pretty much have forever till that day of decision making comes but i heard it creeps up on you! Hope everything is going well on the college scene for ya!